On behalf of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors, we would like to thank Gene Graman and Andy Knouse for putting together another great event !!
To recap and congratulate once again our 2016 Award Winners:
Largest Striped Bass: Gene Graman 36lbs
Largest Striped Bass Tagged and Released: Jeff Sutton / 45.5″
Most Tagged Fish: Jeff Sutton with 20 & 1 returned tag
Largest Sea Bass: Steve Webber 3.29 lbs
Largest Bluefish: Jeff Sutton 19.7 lbs
Largest Fluke: Tim Behany 10.67 lbs
Angler of The Year: Steve Machalaba
Sportsperson of the Year: This years award was shared by Andy Knouse and Carlos Claudino
Here’s to another great year at the Hi-Mar Striper Club !
Tight lines,
Casey Campi (2015/2016 Hi-Mar Club President)