Contest Rules
- All entries MUST be weighed with a certified scale in a tackle shop or merchant; weigh slips are to be witnessed and signed by same. Slips not signed by owner/worker will not be accepted.
- All entries must be returned to the Inter-club Tournament Chairman no later than the first meeting following the month the fish was caught and weighed. All late entries will be disqualified. If you cannot attend the meeting, send the entry to Chris Vigario 1110 Woodruff Ave. Hillside, NJ 07205
- The following information needs to be displayed on the weight slip:
- Anglers Name
- Date
- Species
- Weight
- Witness name (owner or worker of shop only)
- Name of shop printed on the weigh slip
Weigh Slip Submittal Form (to be included with your weigh slip)
Contest Categories
Quarterly Contest
- Contest Periods: Jan – Mar | Apr – June | July – Sept. | Oct – Dec
An award to each quarterly winner ($50 cash or prize minimum)
A member may win a quarterly only once in a given year
Same rules as Angler of the Year (see following)
Remember to weigh in fish for each of the 10 categories, each quarter
Striper Tagging Contest
Open to all Hi-Mar members (Fish caught by Party/Charter Captains, or mates while employed as such, are NOT ELIGIBLE.)
A Tag slip and photograph must be turned in to Littoral Society Tagging Committee , Len Fantasia, no later than the meeting following the catch.
Photo must clearly show tagged fish lying next to a measuring device. Fish are measured to the Fork in the tail.
Member tagging the longest Striped Bass for the year will be presented with a plaque at the Annual Awards Dinner.
Angler of the Year
There are ten categories of local inshore species which are used for determining the Angler of the Year. A numerical factor has been assigned to each. Points are determined by multiplying the factor assigned by the weight of the fish.
Members may enter fish in all categories. However, only your largest fish in each category will be used in determining the winner. There are no minimum weights and fish need not be caught in New Jersey to qualify but the vessel must depart from New Jersey ports. All fish must be caught through recreational fishing only. Fish caught by Party/Charter Captains or mates while employed as such, are NOT ELIGIBLE.
The highest point scores for each member (ie Striped Bass, Blackfish, Bluefish, Flounder) will be totaled. The member with the highest points total for their top 4 species will be the crowned Angler of the Year.
By using the assigned factor, the following weight fish all get the approximately the same points:
Species |
Assigned Factor |
Multiply |
Weight |
Total Points |
Bass, black sea / Centropristis striata |
7.7 |
X |
3 |
23.1 |
Bass, striped / Morone saxatilis |
1.0 |
X |
25 |
25.0 |
Bluefish / Pomatomus saltatrix |
1.8 |
X |
14 |
25.2 |
Bonito, Atlantic / Sarda sarda |
3.6 |
X |
7 |
25.2 |
Cod, Atlantic / Gadus morhua |
1.0 |
X |
25 |
25 |
Flounder (Winter) |
8.3 |
X |
3 |
24.9 |
Flounder, summer (Fluke) / Paralichthys dentatus |
4.2 |
X |
6 |
25.2 |
Tautog (Blackfish) / Tautoga onitis |
3.6 |
X |
7 |
25.2 |
Tunny, little (False Albacore) / Euthynnus alletteratus |
2.1 |
X |
12 |
25.2 |
Weakfish / Cynoscion regalis |
2.8 |
X |
9 |
25.2 |
All members who get out, fish and return weigh slips should stand an equal chance.
Standings will be announced at each meeting. A running score on all anglers in the contest will be maintained on the website so each person knows where they stand. Remember that this contest runs from Jan. 1 – Dec. 31.