


This constitution may be altered or revised at any time by a two thirds vote of the members present, providing a notice in writing has been mailed to the general membership advising them of the changes to be made at the following meeting.  Such alteration or amendment shall be presented in writing at a regular meeting.


This organization shall be known as the HI-Mar Striper Club.


The objects for which this club was formed are as follows: To protect the interest of rod and reel angling and to establish good fellowship among it’s members; to defend from waste, the resources or our country, its waters and the preservation of salt water fish.


The officers shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, these officers shall be known as the Executive Board.

Duties of the President: shall be the chief officer of the club and shall provide at all regular meetings of the club membership, co-ordinate the activities of the other officers, handle the organizational aspects of the club as well as public relations, appoint and supervise special officers and committees and shall represent the club at official functions.

Duties of the Vice-President: Shall in the absence of the president, act as and have all the powers of the President, in the conduct of the affairs of the club, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the President.  The Vice-President shall serve as the non-voting chairman of the Board of Directors.

Duties of the Secretary: Shall keep the minutes of the membership as well as board of Director meetings, submit monthly as well as special newsletters and have such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.

Duties of the Treasurer: shall be responsible for administering club finances including but not limited to dues, committees, fund-raising and fund disbursement.  The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records as well as any tax related issues.

Board of Directors: shall consist of five (5) regular members of the club.  They act upon proposals and recommendations to the by-laws, made by the membership, shall be responsible for the management of the club affairs, assuring that the by-laws are adhered to.  Each member present at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall have one vote on each matter to be decided.  A quorum shall be required and shall consist of a simple majority.  An annual budget will be submitted by the Board by the second membership meeting of the year.  The Vice-President will serve as the non-voting chairman of the Board.

Eligibility for Office: to become eligible for any elected office, a member must have attended eight (8) membership meetings of the year in which he/she wishes to be nominated.

Nomination and election of Officers and Board of Directors: Nomination of officers and Board of Directors shall be held at the November meeting.  The election of Officers and Board of Directors shall take place at the December meeting, with installation taking place at the January meeting.

Quorum: Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum and one (1) officer must be in attendance at a general meeting.


The President upon taking office, shall appoint, if no member volunteers; membership, tournament, publicity, good & welfare and entertainment.  The President shall instruct each chairman as to their duties.  The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence.


Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the membership chairman at a regular meeting.  Applicants must be approved by a majority of the members present at the next regular meeting before any dues are collected.  An initiation fee of $20 must accompany the application.  Annual Dues must be paid when member is accepted into the club.  Any member may invite a guest to a regular meeting as a visitor.


Membership in the HI-Mar Striper Club shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) members.

Member Responsibilities

Members shall conduct themselves as representatives of the Hi-Mar Striper Club at all times.  This is to include good sportsmanship, adherence to all State and Federal Fish and Wildlife regulations etc.

Each new member is required to man the weigh station for the annual club tournament.  The times will be set by the tournament committee.  Scheduling will be done on a first come, first serve basis, at the discretion of the tournament committee.


Membership dues are $50.00 annually.  There is a $20.00 initiation fee for new members.  Membership dues are due January 1.  Members not in compliance by the February meeting will not be allowed to attend meeting or other club functions until their dues are brought up to date.  Delinquent members will be sent formal notice of the delinquency and also be required to submit the $20.00 initiation fee.  Formal notice may be sent via regular mail or email.


Members of the Hi-Mar Striper Club are eligible to compete in an Intra-Club Tournament.  The species eligible are: Striped Bass, Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Fluke, Flounder, Blackfish, Weakfish, Cod, Whiting, albacore and Bonito.  Each species will be assigned a “points per pound” value.  Highest point totals determined by the intra-club chairman, shall determine “Angler of the Year”.

Awards / Prizes:

There will be a quarterly prize, based on point value of $50.

Angler of the year as well as the heaviest catch in all the above-mentioned categories will be recognized.  Wall plaques recognizing each category will be awarded at the Annual Awards Dinner.


All regular meetings of the HI-Mar Striper Club shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:30pm except when notified by mail, e mail, or telephone.


Constitution, revised Bylaws and amendments, having been adopted by the members present (who constituted a quorum) at a regular meeting held on April 7, 2009 shall take effect on this date for the government of this club.


Charitable donations cannot exceed the allocation in the Annual Budget.  No one individual charitable donation should exceed $500.  To spend money on any charitable donation over $250, it should be brought up at a membership meeting to pass, then discussed at the next regular meeting and voted on.  It must be also listed in the newsletter prior to the meeting it is voted on.  Charitable Fishing trips shall be a separate line item in the Annual Budget.  However, under extenuating circumstances, a donation over $250 May be made by the Board of Directors along with the Executive Board by a vote in favor, of at least seven (7) of the nine (9) members


Sports Person of the Year shall be named by the outgoing President for the year in which he (the President) served.  The award is to be given to the person(s), not to exceed two (2), for their contributions to the betterment and advancement of the Hi-Mar Striper Club.  This award need not be presented each year and is not limited to members of the HI-Mar Striper Club.  The winners to receive wall plaques.


Based upon a vote by the majority of the Club members each year, each member (in good standing) will be permitted to attend the Annual Awards Dinner at no cost and, in order to further promote angling and conservation consistent with the goals of the Club, will also be permitted to bring a guest to the dinner at no cost.

These By-Laws were revised by a majority vote of the membership at the meeting held on April 7, 2009.